5 Thermal Insulation Systems
5 Thermal Insulation Systems(στεγανοποιηση)
Thermal insulation in design intends to diminish the increment in heat in summer as much as to expand it in winter. This can be accomplished through plan investigation as far as area, winds, sun based way, among others. In any case, there are likewise materials that are of incredible assistance.
In this article we present you 5 thermal insulation frameworks that you can execute in development for a more noteworthy advantage to your undertaking as far as comfort and energy utilization.
1. Cell concrete .
The supplier with the longest experience, and with which we have collaborated on different tasks of different scales in the northern area and at the public level, is Xella Mexicana and its brand name is HEBEL.
This framework doesn't need extra layers of thermal insulation. It additionally gives up to 35% lifetime investment funds in energy utilization in cooling frameworks.
It is a thermo-protecting plate of cell substantial that serves against cold and hotness, these plates can be introduced both on exterior walls and on roof pieces, the establishment is exceptionally simple since specific materials are not needed, just a cement mortar is used. given by a similar producer. This insulator can straightforwardly get any type of waterproofing both hot and cold without the need to apply a layer of mortar for security against the components.
There are likewise strong squares of cell substantial that, as well as decreasing development times
utilizing this material, have properties that help thermal insulation, they can be used on exterior or interior walls since it has different measures and thicknesses according to the need, and for isolating walls since its establishment doesn't need interior reinforcement or imprisonment of palaces or fenced in area in the most well-known conditions.
2. Fiberglass. https://www.monoscience.gr/στεγανοποίηση-υγρομόνωση/
A famous producer for being known as "the one with the pink jaguar" is OWENS CORNING,
This material is broadly used as a thermal and acoustic insulator for ceilings, walls and floors.
Its design is comprised of long and fine glass strands reinforced with a thermally set tar to form a protecting, lightweight and adaptable cover. The covers are 12 or 30 meters in length by 1.2m wide, and are accessible in three thicknesses 30, 50 and 75 mm. They are generally equipped with kraft
paper, polyethylene or aluminum foil to refract the sun's beams. It is not difficult to introduce and on top of it, plasterboards are introduced to give it the ideal completion.
3. Adobe (Artisan Manufacturing)
Usually made in networks near metropolitan turns of events, since it is a material tribally used in provincial developments and that are by and large completed by the actual proprietors.
Adobe is a building block made of a mass of (mud and sand) blended in with straw or different strands, formed into a block shape and dried in the sun; It is used for the development of walls and walls in buildings. The strategy of making them and their use are far and wide all through the world, found in many societies. The thickness of the walls permits to alleviate outside temperature changes, establishing a wonderful interior climate in all seasons.
4. Green areas.
This framework is the most normal and gives feel to your venture since green roofs or green walls can be used, concealing the aim to be a protecting framework. In summer, the building warms up because a roof or divider absorbs the hotness from the sun. At the point when it is green, the vegetation reflects a large portion of the immediate daylight rather than absorbing it. Furthermore, the dampness present in the vegetation evaporates, which likewise gives extra cooling. It works both in summer and winter since there are different types of plants for what is required.(ανακαινιση σπιτιου)
It can not exclusively be used on walls or pieces, yet additionally have trees before the building. The trees help to forestall the sun's beams or the breezes from passing straightforwardly, they work as a barrier to
5. Extruded polystyrene
It is made out of semi-unbending extruded polystyrene froth, in plates of different sizes. It is great for use in moist conditions, on walls or roofs and under floors or substantial pieces in developments that require exceptional materials to keep a particular temperature. For the last completion they can be covered with mortar or concealed in drywall boards.
Whatever your task, we suggest you talk with a developer spent significant time in thermal insulation frameworks, who will actually want to inform you on which concerning the above frameworks might be the most proper for your necessities and the spending plan of your venture, as well as coordinating the work before and later the establishment of the framework and with every one of the obstructions that might exist.
We like the remarks or questions you might have in such manner, we will readily answer your solicitation and try to direct you in the most effective way.